Enterprise Reporter Cloud


EnvisionWare® Enterprise Reporter Cloud™ is a revolutionary reporting tool designed to enable
library staff of all skill levels to create stunning visualizations of library data in just
minutes. Designed specifically for public libraries of all sizes, this powerful yet simple web
interface makes library data easy to understand, dynamic and visually striking for Board
presentations, community meetings and daily library management.

Enterprise Reporter Cloud uses simple drag and drop functionality so that anyone on the library
staff can be trained to create dashboards, reports and dazzling visualizations in just minutes.
Simply drag the information you are interested in onto the screen and a report builds before your
eyes. A pop-up visualization wizard suggests the best way to present the data. The system is so
intuitive, it even suggests visualizations based on data type, such as zip code data.

  • Customize dashboards and share with other users
  • Create and visualize data mash-ups from multiple sources of data
  • Display powerful visualizations on your public website or intranet
  • Share reports and dashboards with colleagues
  • Pinpoint data aberrations

With Enterprise Reporter Cloud, you can connect to the entire EnvisionWare data enterprise to view
the patron experience from when they walk through the door to their latest transaction. This
complete reporting tool enables you to determine efficiency, effectiveness and ROI across your
library in just a few clicks of your mouse.

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EnvisionWare® Enterprise Reporter Cloud™

  • Measure ROI for RFID, eCommerce and self-service circulation services.
  • Explore and compare usage trends.
  • Determine cost recovery for print management.
  • Dynamically display library activity reports on your public website
  • Collaborate with your staff using live data you can filter and sort on the fly
  • Create dynamic and eye-catching Board presentations using real-time data

Enterprise Reporter Cloud is available on a per license, per role basis. The Explorer role enables.
users to interact with the data and create and publish workbooks and views. The Viewer role enables.
users to see and interact with the data, but not create, edit or publish content to the server.